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Fall 1977... most of us began our first year as sophomores at Sharpstown High School! New faces, teachers, and friends were everywhere. Clubs to join, a variety of classes to be taken, and oh so many events to enjoy!

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Gold reaches $200 per ounce... the first test tube baby is born... the first ever cellular mobile phone is introduced in Illinois! Back here in Sharpstown we watched as the Space shuttle Enterprise is at Ellington AFB on a ferry stop to Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Photo: David Nance/Houston Chronicle

Saturday Night Fever, Grease, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind were some of our favorites in local theaters. Greased Lightening was the new ride at Astroworld!


Voting for cheerleaders, Mr. Apollo, new officers of our favorite clubs... Football games, dances, bull riding, and field trips... we always had something going on.


'Luv Ya Blue' is on everyone's lips as the Oilers recruit Earl Campbell... Van Halen opens for Black Sabbath and rules the day! Back on the Apollos stomping ground many prepare for the SAT and ACT tests, send in college applications, have fun at Good Time Charlie's listening to local bands and playing Air Hockey in the Arcade.









Iran Hostage Crisis, highway speed limit lowered to 55 mph across the country, Gilley's is made even more famous by the movie, Urban Cowboy.

The Empire Strikes Back comes out! 


We enjoy our Homecoming football game, more dances, Senior Class Trip, college acceptance letters, Sham Dive Trip to Enchanted Rock, Senior Week, and much more! 

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